We updated this privacy policy on December 22, 2022,and it will take effect on December 27, 2022. Please read through and fully understand the Policy. Shall you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Shenzhen Conex Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. ( Registered address at Office 01, 10 Floor, Building B2, Phase II, Creative City, Xiandong Road,Xili Community, Xili Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China ) and its affiliates or subsidiaries (collectively as "Conex", "we", "us", and "our") understand the importance of privacy and respect your privacy. Please read the following to learn more about this "Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") before submitting personal data to Conex. This policy applies to Conex websites, products and services that display or provide links to this Policy.

The "smart device(s)" mentioned in this policy refers to smart door locks and/or other related smart device(s) that can be used in conjunction with Philips EasyKey Plus.

This Policy describes how Conex processes your personal data, but it may not address all possible data processing scenarios. Conex may inform you of product- or service-specific data collection through supplementary policies or notices provided before collection.

The purpose of this policy is to help you understand the following:

Article 1. How we collect and use your personal data

Article 2. Personal information storage

Article 3. How we use third-party’s SDK

Article 4. How we disclose your personal data

Article 5. How we access and control your personal data

Article 6. How we protect and retain your personal data

Article 7. How we process children's personal data

Article 8. Account cancellation

Article 9. Third-party providers and their services

Article 10. International transfers of your personal data

Article 11. Updates to this Policy

Article 12. How to contact us

Article 1. How we collect and use your personal data

Personal data means any data that, either on its own or jointly with other data, can be used to identify a natural person. You directly provide us with such data when you use our websites, products, or services, or interact with us by, for example, creating a Philips account or contacting us for support. We may also obtain data by recording how you interact with our websites, products, or services. For example, we may use technologies like cookies or receive use data from software running on your device. As permitted by law, we may also obtain data from public and commercial third-party sources, for example, purchasing statistics from other companies to support our services. The personal data we collect includes name, gender, addresses, phone number, login information (account and password), photos, and credentials information, etc., depending on how you interact with us, for example, the website you visit or the products and services that you use. We also collect the information you provide to us and the content of messages you send us, such as the query information you provide, or the questions or information you provide for customer service support.

Before using our products or services, you may need to provide personal data. In some cases you may be able to opt not to disclose your personal data to us. However, not providing us with certain data may mean that we cannot provide you with certain products or services or respond to an issue that you have raised.

We may process your personal data for the following purposes:

1.Create an account.

2. To send you important notices, such as installation of and updates to operating system or application.

3. Troubleshooting when you send us error reports.

4. Synchronizing, sharing, and storing the data you upload or download and the data needed for the uploading and downloading.

5. Ensuring the security of our products, services and customers or users, executing and improving our loss prevention and anti-fraud programs.

6.Complying with and enforcing applicable legal requirements, industry standards and our policies.

7. Access to Microphone permission: after turning on permission in Microphone settings, you can use the phone’s microphone to realize the video intercom between the mobile App and the smart device.

8. Access to Call permission: after the call permission is turned on, users in mainland China can get in touch with us through the [Contact us] page on the Philips EasyKey Plus (Note: users in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas markets please email philips.ddl.cn@cone -x.com to get support).

9.Access to camera permission: after enabling the camera permission, you can use the photo/video function by scanning the QR code on the smart device's label, and bind the device to the APP; at the same time, you can change personal avatar by taking a new photo.

10.Access to gallery (photos) permission: after enabling the permission of the gallery (photos), after you click on "Feedback", you can upload the abnormal photo(s) of the smart device in the gallery to reflect the related issues of the smart device; by uploading the photo(s) in the gallery, you can change the personal avatar on the APP; to access to the gallery permission, you can save the content captured by the video door lock to the gallery; to access to the gallery, you can obtain the QR code of the device in the phone’s gallery when the smart device is connected to the Internet to perform the networking pairing.

11. Access to storage permission: after turning on the storage permission, you are allowing to save the pictures/videos in the smart device(s) to the phone’s gallery. When the permission is denied, related pictures/videos will not be saved to the phone’s gallery.

12.Access to notification permission: after turning on the notification permission, you can search for the smart devices’ daily operation logs, alert information, access logs, version update notification, etc. When the permission is denied, you will not be able to receive the related information.

13.Access to face ID/fingerprint permission: after enabling the permission to obtain face ID and fingerprint(s), you can log in by face ID or fingerprint. For fingerprints and face ID(s) , they are only used to verify the user's identity and we do not collect your fingerprints or facial features. When the permission is denied, the shortcut login method by face ID or fingerprint will not be available.

14. Access to location information: turn on the location permission for Bluetooth connection and device pairing can be operated.

15.Access to login information permission: after turning on the permission of login information, when you are binding the smart device to the App, you can pair your current account with the smart device you have purchased; when the smart device fails to work, we can use account data to unbind the account, deploy and upgrade services only after with your consent. At the same time, by viewing the current account system crash logs, we can trace the source of the problem faster. If this access is denied, your account will not be able to be used normally.

16.Bluetooth:You can search for a device and perform networking operations on the device after the Bluetooth is enabled.

17. File management information: save the images and videos you actively screenshot when you view live video.

18.Get WiFi SSID information: We get your current phone's connected Wi-Fi SSID information for easy device connection.

19. Bluetooth device MAC information: match device information for connection.

20. System operation information: ensures compatibility of the offered products and/or services on different devices.

21. Network status information: enables the selection and optimization of network links to ensure stable delivery of products and/or services.

22. Access to the running process logs: We need to check whether the Philips EasyKey Plus APP is running in the background for third-party service push notifications.

23. Third-party login: When you use a third-party account (including a WeChat account) to log in to Philips EasyKey Plus APP, the WeChat mobile application will be launched simultaneously, so that we can provide you with a quick login service.

24. Clipboard: to implement the sharing feature, we need to access your clipboard and read the content it contains. To ensure the normal implementation of relevant business functions, specific user instructions and scenarios for end-users are detailed in the Personal Information List.

Please be noted that the above permissions are disabled by default, and only with your explicit authorization can they be used when using specific functions or services, and you can also withdraw the authorization. In particular, even with your authorization, we will not collect your information when the relevant functions or services are not needed after we have obtained the permissions of these sensitive data. You can set related permissions on Philips EasyKey Plus according to your needs, turn off or turn on the corresponding permissions.

Conex may also collect and use non-personally identifiable information (Non-PII). Non-PII is information that cannot be used to identify a particular individual. For example, Conex will collect statistical data, such as the numbers of visits to its website. We collect this data to understand how users use our websites, products, and services so that we can improve our services and better satisfy your needs. Conex may collect, use, process, transfer, or disclose non-PII for other purposes at its own discretion. We will endeavor to isolate your personal data from non-PII and ensure that the two types of data are used separately. If personal data is combined with non-PII, it will still be treated as personal data during processing.

Conex will process your personal data following the requirements of applicable laws on an appropriate legal basis, including:

Processing based on the legitimate interests of Conex or a third party when we use your personal data to contact you, conduct marketing or market surveys, improve our products and services, execute and improve our loss prevention and anti-fraud programs, and other purposes. Legitimate interests include enabling us to more effectively manage and operate our business and provide our products and services; protecting the security of our businesses, systems, products, services, and customers; internal management, complying with internal policies and processes; and other legitimate interests described in this policy;

We may also process your personal data as necessary to comply with and fulfill legal obligations.

Article 2. Personal information storage

1.The way and duration of information storage

We store your information in secure ways, including saving them locally (the App performs data caching), in databases and in server logs. In general, we will only store your personal information for as long as is necessary to achieve a specific function or under the conditions outlined in laws and regulations. When your information storage period expires, we will promptly delete your personal information or have the personal information anonymized.

2. Geographical area of information storage

We will store personal information collected within China following laws and regulations. Currently, we do not transfer or store your personal information across borders. If such information need to be transfered or stored across borders, we will inform you of the following: the purpose of the information exporting, the recipient, security measures, and security risks, and make sure we had got your consent.

Article 3. How we use third-party’s SDK

1、Bugly SDK

Name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co.,Ltd.

Purposes: to provide error reporting and operation statistics, and follow up on user feedback promptly

Processing method: safe processing through de-identification, encrypted transmission, and processing

Personal information type: networking, network status changes, Wi-Fi status changes, reading phone status, reading logs

Link: https://privacy.qq.com/document/priview/fbd2c3f898df4c1c869925dd49d57827

Contact information:

Online query: https://kf.qq.com/

Email: Dataprivacy@tencent.com

2. WeChat SDK

Name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co.,Ltd.

Purposes: support WeChat login and sharing

Processing method: Safe processing through de-identification, encrypted transmission, and processing

Personal information type: device information, network information

Link: https://open.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/frame?t=news/protocol_developer_tmpl

Contact information:

Online query: https://kf.qq.com/

E-mail: Dataprivacy@tencent.com

3.Xiaomi push notification service

Name:Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd.

Purposes: provide Xiaomi device message push service

Processing method: safe processing by de-identification, encrypted transmission, and processing

Type of personal information collected: networking, accessing network status, reading and writing external storage, Wi-Fi status

Link: https://dev.mi.com/console/doc/detail?pId=1822

Contact information:

Query: https://privacy.mi.com/support

4. Huawei push notification service (embedded Huawei update SDK, Huawei open ID interface SDK, Huawei HMS core function SDK)

Name: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Purposes: to provide Huawei devices with push notification service

Processing method: secure processing through de-identification, encrypted transmission, and processing

Personal information type: networking, access to network status, reading and writing external storage, Wi-Fi status, application installation permissions

Link: https://consumer.huawei.com/cn/privacy/privacy-policy/

Contact information

Hotline: 950800

5. Personalized message push service (embedded Zhuoxin ID SDK)

Name: Daily Interactive Co., Ltd.

Purposes: to provide push service for personalized messages

Processing method: safe processing by de-identification, encrypted transmission, and processing

Contact information:

We use a third-party (Shanghai Youkun Information Technology Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as "MobTech") ShareSDK service to provide you with social sharing, third-party login social sharing, and third-party login. To successfully implement this feature, you will need to grant MobTechSD permission to provide corresponding services; After getting your grant, MobTech will collect your personal information. For more details about the types of information, purposes, rules for personal information protection, and opt-out mechanism collected by MobTech, please refer to the terms of the Privacy Policy (www.mob.com/about/policy) on MobTech's website (www.mob.com).

Self-starting instructions:

To save power and traffic, Philips EasyKey Plus APP may authorize Daily Interactive Co., Ltd. to perform link adaption to mutually activate the closed source SDK push process to ensure that you can receive our push messages in time. To ensure receiving our push messages promptly and having a better experience with Philips-branded products, please add Philips EasyKey Plus APP to the white list on your phone, so that you can receive the push messages on time. You shall have the white list set according to the terminal manufacturer of your phone.

6.MEIZU push service

Name: Zhuhai Meizu Communication Equipment Co., Ltd.

Purposes: provide MEIZU device push service

Processing method: safe processing by de-identification, encrypted transmission, and processing

Personal information type: networking, accessing to network status, reading and writing external storage, Wi-Fi status

Link: https://i.flyme.cn/privacy?lang=zh_CN

Contact information:

7.VIVO push service

Name:VIVO Mobile Communication Co., Ltd.

Purposes:provide VIVO device push service

Processing mode: safe processing by de-identification, encrypted transmission, and processing

Personal information type:networking, accessing to network status, reading and writing external storage, Wi-Fi status


Contact information:

8.OPPO push service

Name:Guangdong Heytap Technology Corp., Ltd.

Purposes:provide OPPO device push service

Processing mode: safe processing by de-identification, encrypted transmission, and processing

Personal information type:networking, accessing to network status, reading and writing external storage, Wi-Fi status


Contact information:


Purposes: Google's open source barcode scanning library for generating, scanning QR codes

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type:N/A

Link: https://github.com/zxing/zxing

10.Android Support Library

Purposes: functionality of low version programs compatible with high version APIs

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type:N/A

Link: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/support-library

11.AndroidX Library

Purposes: support for Android support library, the original Android support library has been deprecated

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type:N/A

Link: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx?hl=zh-cn

12.Google official design library

Purposes: Mobile application interface interaction

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type:N/A

Link: https://material.io/develop/android/docs/getting-started

13.Google push service

Purposes: provide push service for personalized notifications

Processing mode: safe processing through de-identification, encrypted transmission and processing

Personal information type: device information, device platform, device manufacturer, device brand, network information, location information, application list information

Link: https://firebase.google.cn/docs/android/setup


Purposes: the records generated by the device are displayed through the APP

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: download videos and photos, change avatar

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A


16. SmartRefreshLayout

Purposes: drop-down refresh within APP to update data

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A


17. FlycoTabLayout

Purposes: the color of function module is updated synchronously when the function is switched within APP

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: database encryption tool

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A


19.Ijk player

Purposes: play video in the APP

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: implement user information cookie persistence

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: APP page function and animation interaction effect

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: APP upgrade file downloading

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: for files converted from audio format to MP4

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: when setting up the function on the app, use for checking the drop-down content at the bottom pop-up window and selecting contents

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: save or add the images from the internet to your phone

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: for access to permissions of Philips EasyKey Plus APP

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: for network requests

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A


28 .DiscreteScrollView

Purposes: to customize the dialog box in the app, swipe left and right for data selection

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A


29.Google Mobile Services

Purposes: fix the issues with Google's open source barcode library

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: Google push services

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A


31.Google Gson

Purposes: json resolution

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: create local database for the device

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A



Purposes: encrypt the device database

Processing mode: N/A

Personal information type: N/A


The client end also integrates some of the official and third-party open source libraries and components, see the Android client open source libraries and components description, iOS client open source libraries and components description.

Article 4. How we disclose your personal data

We will not sell any personal data to any third party.

Conex shares your personal data with other partners, as described in this Policy, when services are provided by partners authorized by Conex. For example, when you make an online purchase from Conex, we must share your personal data with the logistics provider to arrange shipment or a partner to provide services. In addition, we may share personal data with Conex affiliates and subsidiaries.

To comply with applicable laws or respond to valid legal procedures, Conex may also disclose your personal data to law enforcement or other government agencies. If Conex is involved in a restructuring, merger & acquisition, or a bankruptcy or liquidation lawsuit in a given jurisdiction, your personal data may be disclosed in connection with the transaction. Conex may also disclose your data when appropriate, for example, to execute Terms and Conditions, when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or when it is in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity.

We will take all necessary actions to protect your personal information. Wherever you provide us with your personal information, we will take appropriate measures to protect your information, and we will also take reasonable security measures to protect the stored information. Unless required by applicable laws or mandatory government regulations, we will not share any of your personal information with third parties (including companies or individuals) without your consent. We have developed a Third-party Shared List to provide you with a clear/concise overview of how our embedded third-party SDK business partners share information with third parties through interfaces (APIs). If we must disclose your personal information, we will inform you of the purpose of disclosure, the type of information, and any personal information that may be involved, and obtain your consent.

We may disclose personal information due to legal requirements, or we are convinced in good faith that such practices are necessary for the following: compliance with legal notices or compliance with legal procedures applicable to our site; protection of the rights or property of our users; under an emergency situation, to protect the personal or public safety of our company and its users.

If you think that we have not complied with these principles at any time, please email philips.ddl.cn@cone-x.com to notify us. We will make every effort to improve this issue immediately within a reasonable and appropriate range.

Article 5. How we access and control your personal data

You should ensure that all personal data submitted is accurate. Conex will try its best to maintain the accuracy and completeness of personal data and update these data in a timely manner.

When required by applicable laws, you may:

Required by applicable laws, when Conex processes your personal data with your consent, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, the withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality and effectiveness of our processing of your personal data based on your consent before the withdrawal, nor will it affect our processing of your personal data according to other appropriate legitimate foundations.

If you believe that our processing of your personal information does not comply with applicable data protection laws, you can contact a statutory data protection agency. Please refer to the contact information of EU data protection agencies: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/article-29/structure/data-protection-authorities/index_en.htm.

Article 6. How we protect and retain your personal data

The security of your personal data is important to us. We use appropriate physical, management, and technical measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss. For example, we use cryptographic technologies for data confidentiality, protection mechanisms to prevent attacks, and access control mechanisms to permit only authorized access to your personal data. We also provide training on security and privacy protection for employees to raise their awareness of personal data protection. Conex is committed to protecting your personal data; however, please note that no security measure is perfect.

We will retain your personal information for no longer than is necessary for the purposes stated in this Policy, unless otherwise extending the retention period is required or permitted by law. The data storage period may vary with scenario, product, and service. The standards we use to determine the retention period are as follows: the time required to retain personal data to fulfill business purposes, including providing products and services; maintaining corresponding transaction and business records; controlling and improving the performance and quality of products and services; ensuring the security of systems, products, and services; handling possible user queries or complaints and locating problems; whether the user agrees to a longer retention period; and whether the laws, contracts, and other equivalencies have special requirements for data retention; etc. We will maintain your registration information as long as your account is necessary for service provision. You can choose to cancel your account. After you cancel your account, we will stop providing you with products and services through your account and delete your relevant personal data, provided that deletion is not otherwise stipulated by special legal requirements.

Article 7. How we process children's personal data

Our websites, products and services are primarily intended for adults. A child must not create a Philips account without the consent of a parent or guardian. If a child's personal data is collected with prior parental consent, we will only use or disclose the data as permitted by law, with the explicit consent of the child's parents or guardians, or when necessary for the protection of the child. If we accidentally collect a child's personal data without verified prior consent from the child's parents, we will attempt to delete the data as soon as possible.

Article 8. Account cancellation

You can cancel/sign off your account by clicking on [Me-Settings- Account cancellation]. After cancelling your account, we will delete all of your information (including phone number, email, and security credentials), device binding information (including alarm information, operating logs, and visitor records).

Any doubts, please refer to:

Users in mainland China can cancel their personal accounts by calling our after-sales service hotline;

Users in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas regions can contact us by email philips.ddl.cn@cone-x.com to submit a request for personal account cancellation.

We will delete or anonymize your personal information within 7 working days after receiving your request. Please note that account cancellation is an irreversible operation, after you cancel your account, we will stop providing you with products or services, and all data under your account will be empty, personal information will be deleted and cannot be retrieved, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

Article 9. Third-party providers and their services

To ensure a positive user experience, you may receive content or web links from third parties other than Conex and its partners ("third parties"). Conex does not have the right to control such third parties, but you can choose whether to use the links, view the content and/or access the products or services provided by third parties. Conex cannot control the privacy practices and data protection policies of third parties that are not subject to this Policy. When you submit personal information to such a third party, please read and refer to the privacy protection policy of the third party.

Article 10. International transfers of your personal data

Conex solemnly declares that for users in China, your personal data will not be transmitted across borders. Your personal data collected by Conex may be processed or accessed in the country/region where you use our products and services or in other countries/regions where Conex or its affiliates, subsidiaries, service providers or business partners have a presence. These jurisdictions may have different data protection laws. In such circumstances, Conex will take measures to ensure that data is processed as required by this Policy and applicable laws, which includes when transferring the data subject’s personal data from the EU to a country or region which has not yet been acknowledged by the EU Commission as having an adequate level of data protection, we may use a variety of legal mechanisms, such as signing standard contractual clauses approved by the EU Commission, obtaining the consent to the cross-border transfer of a data subject in the EU, or implementing security measures like anonymizing personal data before cross-border data transfer. When Conex and the third parties (which may or may not be Conex entity companies outside the European Economic Area) share personal data originating from the European Economic Area, we will be based on EU standard contractual clauses or other protection measures stipulated in any GDPR, to share information with the third parties.

Article 11. Updates to this Policy

Conex reserves the right to update or modify this policy at any time. We will release the latest Privacy Policy on this page for any changes. If major changes are made to the Privacy Policy, we may notify you through different channels, for example, posting a notice on our website or sending you direct notification.

Article 12. How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, or if you have any privacy complaints or questions, please email philips.ddl.cn@cone-x.com.

Where your personal data is processed by Conex in accordance with this Privacy Policy, the Conex entity that responds to your request, contacts you, provides you with products or services, or has signed or is about to sign a contract with you is the controller of the related personal data.

Philips and the Philips Shield Emblem are registered trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V. and are used under license. This product has been manufactured by and is sold under the responsibility of Shenzhen Conex Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd, and Shenzhen Conex Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd is the warrantor in relation to this product.